Pro-Ject Record Puck Pro

This new Record Puck ensures a firm fit between the record and the platter surface & perfectly fits the modern and elegant design of the Debut PRO. Record pucks use weight to secure a playing vinyl record against the turntable platter. By holding the two together, the sound performance of the turntable will improve, in timing and depth of sound.

The nickel finish results in a hard, resistant surface. This process enables us to produce very high-quality and sustainable components and avoid plastics and similar materials that continue to age over time.


Ensures a firm fit of the record

Reduces unwanted vibrations

Optimises playback of warped records

Nickel-plated aluminium finish

Felt mat on the underside to protect the label

Sound improvement for all turntables


Shipping Height 20mm

Shipping Width 80mm

Shipping Depth 80mm

Shipping Weight 0.19kg

: Record Puck Pro