EAT E-Flat Turntable with Jo No.5 - Gloss Black$7,999.00
E-Flat's mission is to bring to the music lover the highest quality performance, but in a user-friendly design. Ultra-flat, ultra-light and ultra-rigid, the E-Flat tonearm measures 10in long. A unipivot bearing supports the E-Flat, it's fully (and easily) adjustable counterweight decoupled by energy- and vibration-absorbing Sorbothane.
EAT E-Flat Turntable with Yosegi Set - Gloss Black$9,999.00
E-Flat's mission is to bring to the music lover the highest quality performance, but in a user-friendly design. Ultra-flat, ultra-light and ultra-rigid, the E-Flat tonearm measures 10in long. A unipivot bearing supports the E-Flat, it's fully (and easily) adjustable counterweight decoupled by energy- and vibration-absorbing Sorbothane.
Ortofon MC Quintet Black S Moving Coil Cartridge$1,529.00 Regular price $1,699.00
The Quintet Black S, like its predecessor Quintet Black, produces detailed and pure reproduction though-out the spectrum, volume and soundstage.
Ortofon MC Quintet Blue Moving Coil Cartridge$854.00 Regular price $949.00
The Quintet Blue is a very homogeneous cartridge whose sound reproduction will tend toward a more smooth presentation compared to Quintet Red and moderate dynamic strength compared to Quintet Bronze. It features a Nude Elliptical diamond mounted on an aluminium cantilever.
Ortofon MC Quintet Bronze Moving Coil Cartridge$1,169.00 Regular price $1,299.00
The slim profile of its Nude Fine Line diamond stylus will track even the highest frequency information, making it a must for discerning listeners. Additionally its larger footprint ensures reduced distortion and record wear. The sound will be very evenhanded with respect to all aspects. Classical music will be reproduced with power and open space around each of the instruments.
Ortofon MC Quintet Red Moving Coil Cartridge$566.00 Regular price $629.00
Enter the Exclusive world of Ortofon’s famous moving coil sound! The Quintet Red is a perfect introduction to the world of Ortofon moving coils. It features an Elliptical diamond which is cut and polished to Ortofon’s high standards.
Ortofon 2M Bronze Cartridge$656.00 Regular price $729.00
The 2M Bronze features a nude Fine Line diamond stylus, which is particularly suited for demanding applications. The slim profile of the Fine Line stylus will track even the highest frequency information, making it a must for discerning listeners. Additionally, its larger footprint ensures reduced distortion and record wear.
EAT B-Sharp Turntable with 2M Blue Cartridge - Gloss Black$2,599.00
The B-Sharp sheds all of the non-essential cosmetic adornments of the C-Major without compromising performance or mechanical integrity, providing vinyl enthusiasts with a superb playback option at a more affordable price.